At et barn har sit eget tal-sprog ses ved at spørge en 3årig ”Hvor gammel bliver du næste gang?”. Svaret kommer straks med 4 fingre løftet i vejret. Men der protesteres kraftigt, hvis man viser fire fingre samlet to og to: ”Det er ikke fire, det er 2 toere.”Så barnet kan skelne mellem eksistens og essens. Det ser, hvad der eksisterer i rum og tid, bundter med to i rum, optalt til to i tid.Et barns tal-sprog bygger på 2-dimensionale bundt-tal med enheder, som skolen kunne bygge videre på i stedet for at påtvinge barnet 1-dimensionale linje-tal uden enheder, der bygger på den grundantagelse, at 1 + 3 er 4 altid, og ikke kun hvis enhederne er ens. Dette til trods for at 1 + 3 par er 7. Denne selvskabte og selvrefererende ’matema-tisme’ uden enheder er således altid er sand indenfor, men sjældent uden for skolen. Og ved at lade essensen kvæle eksistensen, kvæler matematismen også barnets eget tal-sprog og medfødte talsans. Hvorved skolen i stedet for almen tal-kyndighed skaber udbredt faglig eksklusion og tal-blindhed , der senere åbner op for skandaler inden for både det personlige og sociale liv. En skandale som naturligvis må stoppes ved at skolen bruger barnets eget tal-sprog.
Woke-Math never Forces Fixed Forms upon Flexible Totals
Woke-math respects flexible bundle-numbers for a total instead of forcing a linear number upon it.
So, woke-math warns that imposing line-numbers without units as five upon a total of fingers will disrespect the fact that the actual total may exist in different forms, all with units: as 5 1s, as 1 5s, as 1Bundle3 2s, as 2Bundle1 2s, as 3Bundle-1 2s, etc.
Woke-math builds on a basic observation asking a 3year old “How old next time?” The answer typically is four showing four fingers. Holding them together 2 by 2, that child objects “That is not 4, that is 2 2s.” The child thus sees what exist in space and time, bundles of 2s in space, and 2 of them in time when counted. So, what exist are totals to be counted and added in time and space, as T = 2 2s.
Woke-math thus builds on the philosophy called existentialism holding that existence precedes essence, i.e., that what exists outside precedes what we say about it inside.
By de-modeling mathematics instead of modeling reality, woke-math offers “Master Many to master Math” as an alternative to the traditional approach, “Master Math to master Many”.
Woke-math respects, that outside totals inside may be counted and recounted in various two-dimensional bundle-numbers with units; and rejects one-dimensional line-numbers without units since they lead to ‘mathematism’ true inside, but seldom outside, where 2+3 = 5 is falsified by 2weeks + 3days = 17 days.
PowerPoint her:
Flexible Bundle Numbers Develop the Childs Innate Mastery of Many